Bishop Michael F. Jones, Sr.
Our Pastor

Bishop Michael Fulton Jones, Sr. has a great enthusiasm for God's Word and His people. His commitment is exemplified through service and by living the principle based on "the least of these." At the heart of this principle is the belief that God can take the life of those counted out, the oppressed and the overlooked and by His grace change lives and raise a standard allowing them to walk in a new way of life.
Bishop Jones’ educational accomplishments include an undergraduate degree in Business Administration with minors in Marketing and Management. He attended Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri where he received his Master of Arts Degree in General Theological Studies. Pastor Jones has also studied extensively abroad in Rome, France, Switzerland and Jerusalem.
On the 24th of October, 2019, Pastor Jones was consecrated as a Bishop through the Bearen Fellowship led by Bishop Timothy Joseph Clarke.
He and his wife, Phyllis, are proud parents of three children, Kawonza (Angus), Michael, II and Joshua (Kristi) and the proud grandparents of granddaughter Nyla Camille (Angus and Kawonza) and grandson Michael, III (Michael).
Bishop Michael F. Jones is a highly recognized community and spiritual leader who serves with excellence and integrity as Senior Pastor of Friendly Temple M.B. Church. He has made a significant impact in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area with a special focus on community revitalization, outreach and development, and economic empowerment. Through his efforts, over $125+ million dollars has been invested in the St. Louis metropolitan area and surrounding communities.
In 1996, Bishop Jones created Robert Fulton Community Development, Inc. to invest in the North St. Louis community and provide services to enrich the lives of area residents. This advocacy has stabilized a community providing self-sufficiency, empowerment, and growth. Community services to name a few include Noah’s Ark Summer Camp for Children, “Free N One” Drug and Alcohol Counseling, Incarceration Support, Aftercare and numerous family enrichment classes. Robert Fulton Development, Inc. has brought new life to the community with many projects including Arlington Grove Housing Project, Friendly Senior Village Apartments, Friendly Temple Child Development Center, Friendly Temple Learning Center, Family Life Center, Langston Resource Center and Wellston Outreach. Economic empowerment efforts are evidenced by the recent opening of a full service bank on the Friendly campus to serve the nearby unbanked and underbanked community.
Bishop Jones currently serves as Board Chairman of Robert Fulton Development, Inc., and as Board President of Friendly Village Apartments. He has affiliations with many organizations and serves on multiple boards throughout the metro area and region.

Photo Gallery of Bishop JonES' ConsECRATION Service